3 – ANALYSIS – “That’s a message from America, and from God.”
Photo of Government-Funded Billboard in Monroe while Walberg was Secretly Away in Uganda
On Friday, October 6 in Monroe, as I drove eastbound on M50 approaching Telegraph Road, I saw a new billboard, “Paid for by funds authorized by the U.S. House of Representatives” for Tim Walberg to promote his name and face, and falsely proclaim in all-caps, “HERE TO SERVE SOUTHERN MICHIGAN”. Unbeknownst to me in that moment, with the Republican-led House of Representatives failing to appoint a Speaker, Tim Walberg was not HERE in Michigan or in the USA, but instead secretly departed to Uganda for their National Prayer Breakfast under the theme, “FEAR NOT, REPENT AND SERVE THE LORD”. Despite attending that event in his official government capacity, bearing his House Member’s Lapel Pin at the Ugandan State House surrounded by top government officials, over the past week Walberg has not reported anything publicly about that trip: on social media, in radio call-ins, nor in his official government e-newsletter sent out this morning. It is unclear who paid for the travel, lodging, and other expenses for Walberg and his spouse to attend that event. As of now, there are no filings for the event in the House Disclosures webpage. Despite speaking there in his official capacity, Walberg described himself to the crowd in Uganda, “I don’t see it first and foremost as a Member of Congress, I see it as a missionary of the lord Jesus Christ”. Walberg’s speech was also full of anti-American declarations, such as asking the Ugandan officials, “Whose side do we want to be on? Not the World Bank, not the United States of America necessarily, not the UN – God’s side.” Walberg’s opposition to the World Bank, United States of America, and UN were all based on those entities’ sanctions against Uganda for violating human rights for signing into law four months ago, “The Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023”. Widely referred to as the, “Kill the Gays” law, it includes penalties of life imprisonment or death for existing homosexually in Uganda. In 2004, Walberg campaigned on the hateful declaration, “It’s a sin to be gay”. Walberg has never swayed from his bigotry, though over the years he has more successfully masked it, or secretly travelled to other continents to express who he is openly.
October 8, 2023
UBC Television Uganda – Broadcast LIVE (3:10:35 mark):
Event Chair, David Bahati [author of Uganda’s 2014 ‘Kill the Gays’ law]: “As we turn to the second guest speaker, Congressman, Tim Walberg from Michigan. He has been in Congress for eight terms – for eight terms, and he was a pastor before. As I told you, his daughter was married here, and when we sent him a message as speaker, he asked me to keep in touch with him, and he did. And I asked: Are you comfortable with me keeping in touch with you? And he said: I have no problem because Uganda is on the right side of God [smattering of applause from crowd]. He traveled with his wife, your excellency, Susan, and we are happy to be with you here. I want to invite you Congressman to come and speak to the nation.”
[Begin Speech]
Tim Walberg: “Well, thank you David. You’re a real brother. Uh, you were the first Member of the Parliament that I met here back in 2007. And then I met – I guess I would say - We all would agree that there’s only one that doesn’t change, and that’s God. Right? But Maama Ogwal comes in second [referring to Cecilia Barbara Atim Ogwal, Member of Parliament since 1996]. Heh! Ha-Ha! I met her back then, as well, and prayed with her, and still hasn’t changed.”
“Your excellency, President Museveni. First Lady, Janet. So good to see you. So good to see you! I pray for you regularly [smattering of cheers and applause]. First Lady of Kenya [Mama Rachel Ruto], I bring greetings to you. I was there on that special day at your Prayer Breakfast, when we had the handshake and hug heard around the world. That still sets examples for many of us today.”
“Speaker of the House, I come to you right now from Congress that doesn’t have a Speaker [Walberg smirks and pauses to scan crowd’s reaction]. We’ve got some work to do. And I may have to leave early tomorrow to get back for the process of voting. All the Parliamentarians and – but – I must admit to you that - Uh, I probably want to greet more than any other individual or group in this room: all of us. Citizens of countries around the world. Citizens, more importantly of the kingdom of heaven.”
“Citizens who agree with me, that we’re, first: Christ-followers; and second: politicians, government officials, doctors, lawyers, parliamentarians, members of congress, members of divinity – you name it. And I’m delighted that there are representatives from all sorts of religions here, and beliefs, and values. I certainly believe in my faith that God has placed in my heart an understanding and a belief that goes beyond words that Jesus Christ is my savior because I was a sinner in need of a savior. And he bought me back [sic] if I’d just accepted that free gift, and that’s made all the difference in the world. Right, Madam Justice [Walberg turned to Catherine Bamugemereire, Justice of the Court of Appeal of Uganda, seated behind him]? I’m a new creation in Christ. And so, I love to share that with anyone and everyone. And so, I believe that my faith stands up to anything, and I share it freely and offer it. But in this nation, as I’ve talked with his excellency, President Museveni, he said we want this nation to be open to all. As a nation that has been based upon Christian principles, we ask you not to change us, but we want to be open and free. And so, I am delighted to be here today. I’m kind of amazed that I was asked, David [Walberg turned around towards David Bahati] to share with you today. Because being both a former pastor, before God called me to the mission field in government back in 1982.”
“And I’ve had a wonderful ministry in government in all those years. Cause I don’t see it first and foremost as a Member of Congress, I see it as a missionary of the lord Jesus Christ. In a context that many people wouldn’t have, and you Members of Parliament have that as well. We have answers that come from the word of God that are clear and available to us. So today, to stand here at this 25th National Prayer Breakfast, on the day before you celebrate 61 years of independence and go onto 62. In a year when President Museveni and First Lady Janet have celebrated 50 years of marriage, congratulations, Janet [smattering of applause from crowd]. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You’ve had to put up with him all those years! I would say the same about my wife, who’s put up with me for 49 years. We’re gonna catch up next year, but then you’ll go ahead. So, congratulations. You set an example and may your tribe increase in showing that to the world.”
“And I would also say, let’s pray for the peace of Israel. And dear friends from Israel, we – our heart breaks for you right now. To be in war. But we know that those of us who stand with Israel will be blessed. And those that oppose Israel will be cursed. And so, I for one say that America stands with you. And we’ll continue to do that, and you’re in our prayers [smattering of applause from crowd].”
“For 81 years in the US House of Representatives there has been a Thursday bi-partisan Congressional Prayer Breakfast [organized by the Fellowship Foundation, AKA The Family, which also organized this event in Uganda]. I had the privilege of chairing that last term. Democrats, Republicans come together, and we follow the pattern of Acts 2:42, that says simply [not verbatim from any standard translation]: They would continue devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
“So, we continue to meet. We break bread together. We share the good things of Jesus in our life. And as we walk with him, we talk about those things. We sing a song – heh-heh, and the parliamentary choir – Thank you for singing today again. It was wonderful [smattering of applause]! I listened to your choir in 2019 when I was here for your prayer breakfast. I took a video of it, went back to our prayer breakfast, and I said, ‘Listen to this. We need to do this.’ So, the next year, we stood on the platform, President Trump was president at the time, and we sang a Hank Williams song, ‘I Saw the Light’ [MGM Records, 1947]. I played guitar with four other guitarists. And I think – at least I thought we were wonderful [smattering of applause]. We’ve never been asked to sing again. So, I loved hearing you today [some laughter from crowd]! Thank you for doing that.”
“The theme as was stated to you today so clearly by many and my brother here [gestures to Joseph A. Alexander], Bishop Alexander: Fear not, Repent, and Serve the Lord! I want to hitchhike, add on to the foundation that my brother established for you, because it’s so important to understand – Um, scripture says in Jeremiah 15:19 [Quoting from New American Standard Bible, 1995 translation]: ’Therefore, thus says the Lord, ‘If you return, then I will restore you – Before Me you will stand; And if you extract the precious from the worthless-’ – Catch that, ‘if you extract the precious from the worthless’ – He said, ‘If you return’ – That’s a repentance. That must be there. But in doing that, you need to extract those things that matter. Those things that are timeless. Those things that never change. Those things that develop a nation. Those things that develop a family. Those things that develop an individual. Those things that are eternal. Things I look at in my country, our foundational principles that our framers and founders established The United States of America on were timeless. Why? Because they were based on scripture.”
“And so, Jeremiah, here speaking to the Lord, and receiving from the Lord, in a very difficult time where he’s being put upon, he’s being persecuted. He’s in ridicule, and he’s speaking to the nation of Israel. And he’s speaking for return, of repentance. ‘If you return, then I will restore you – Before Me you will stand; And if you extract the precious from the worthless-’ – The worthless are those things of the world. The worthless is the thought of the world. The worthless – for instance, is the thought of The World Bank, or The World Health Organization, or The United Nations, or sadly, some in our administration in America who say you are wrong for standing for values that God created. For saying there are male and female, and God created them! That’s science folks! I’ve been told all throughout COVID, and everything else, ‘follow the science’. But when they come to understanding that there’s male and female, and God created it [sic] - That’s science! And to lie to our children, to groom our children to think that they can determine whatever they want - I told someone this morning, jokingly, - Please media, report that - That if I could decide what I want to be, what gender, whatever it is, I’d be a yellow Labrador Retriever. I love that dog. And for a day, I’d love everybody to love me. So, I’m a Yellow Labrador Retriever. Who doesn’t like a Yellow Labrador Retriever? That’s not science.”
“So, go from the worthless. Preserve the precious. There are human beings – And I’ll speak from our experience, sadly in The United States where 62 innocent – innocent babies – 62 million innocent babies, at least, have been aborted. And now we’re encouraging more of that in The United States of America. Almost half the States in the union right now have abortion on demand, and almost to the day of delivery. And it’s being called health care. If there are any doctors in the room, health care is when you try to save lives – preserve lives. True health care doesn’t mean that one dies and maybe one lives. That’s the worthless. That’s the worthless. God breathed into us his image and likeness, right?! Do you agree with me?! We are image-bearers of God himself! Why would we destroy?! I can say that about war! I can say that about genocide! I can say that about all of that! But we – we who are in government – and again, after marriage, the family, came government. The church came later on, and it was sure needed. But we in government need to return to repent.”
“I could go on and on, but I feel David breathing down behind me. He says to Jeremiah, ‘You will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you -’ – They might! They might listen and turn to you! But then he says, ‘But you must not turn to them.’ That would be the pressure. That’s what The World Bank is saying to Uganda. That’s what the administration in The United States is saying to you. That’s what The World Health Organization is saying to you. Don’t turn to them [smattering of applause].”
“I love Uganda. And over almost the 20 years I’ve been coming to Uganda, I’ve traveled on Lake Victoria. My district, I represent Lake Michigan and Lake Erie – two of the Great Lakes. No biting fish. No salt. I love Lake Victoria, and the beauty of it. Especially I love the tilapia. I’ve been down the Nile River. I have the record – I believe, your excellency, at least for Members of Congress, there is no other Member of Congress – maybe no Parliament – Member of Parliament that has ever bungeed over the Nile River. Last - Last August, I bungee jumped in Entebbe over the Nile River. The last que – the last [Walberg turned to his spouse] - In Jinja. Not Entebbe. In Jinja – That’s why I need my wife of 49 years. And I hear my daughter out there saying the same thing. The last question I asked before I bungee jumped the top of that great high pillar and said, ‘Do you see any crocodiles down there today?’ [some laughter in crowd]. They said, ‘Not this morning.’”
“I love the creation. Going on safari and Murchison Falls National Park – and going to Murchison Falls and seeing all of that. There’s a story told about King Leo – King Leo the lion. He decided he was going to walk through his domain in Murchison Falls National Park and see what his constituents were thinking of him – kind of like Parliamentarians, or the President that I’ve seen many times sitting beside the road talking to constituents. He said, I’m gonna check and see what they think of me. So, he sauntered off down the jungle path, and he came to a Jackson Heart Beast. I represent Jackson, Michigan, so I like Jackson Heart Beast. And he said [feigned a deep gravelly voice], ‘Jackson Heart Beast, who’s the king of the jungle?’ – [feigned a meek nervous voice] ‘Oh, you are, oh King. You’re the king of the jungle.’ Pleased the king. He sauntered a little further. He came to a warthog, and said, ‘Warthog, who’s the king of the jungle?’ Warthog said [feigned a nervous nasally voice], ‘Oh King Leo, you’re the king of the jungle.’ Pleased the king. Went a little further into a beautiful clearing, saw this big bull elephant, gently munching on the grass. King Leo said, I think this’ll be a test. So, he walked up to the elephant, and he pulled himself up to full height and he said, ‘Elephant, who’s the king of the jungle?’ No motion, just flapping of ears. King Leo said, must be an old elephant, he’s hard of hearing. So, he pulled himself up further, and said, ‘Rooaar! Elephant! Who’s the king of the jungle?!’ Elephant quietly reached out his trunk, wrapped it around King Leo’s neck and – whip – whip -whip – Boom! Against the tree - Dust – Splinters – Leo comes to the ground, shaken. And I want you to catch this: Leo got up. He looked at the elephant, and brushed himself off, and he said, ‘All right already, elephant. You don’t have to get so angry since you don’t know the answer.’ [smattering of laughter in the crowd]. This proves that Ugandans are kind to laugh at that joke. But it’s more than that. That’s what it means to not give into them. Regardless of what they think, move on.
Jeremiah says then [Jeremiah 15:20], ‘Then I will make you to this people -’ – Jeremiah, ‘A fortified wall of bronze; And though they fight against you, They will not prevail over you; For I am with you to save you And deliver you,’ [cheers and applause among crowd].”
“Whose side do we want to be on? God’s side. Not the World Bank, not the United States of America necessarily, not the UN. God’s side. I think as we go on here, it says, ‘So I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked, And I will redeem you from the grasp of the violent.’ – Who’s gonna do that? God is gonna do that. Your esteemed President, his excellency, President Museveni needs a nation that stands with him and says, though the rest of the world is pushing back on you, though there are other major countries that are trying to get into you and ultimately change you, stand firm. Stand firm. And he knows that he has a Parliament, and he knows that he has a people, and he has a clergy, and he has members of the civil society, and he has members around the world, even Congressmen like me, who will say: We stand with you.”
“Now, this will probably get back to the national media in the United States, and I expect some pushback, but I’m not gonna give in to them. Someone once said, ‘We honor Christ. We do not defend the honor of Christ. He can do it himself.’ Let’s honor him. He will bring the best even through trials to individuals, to families, to countries, if we walk with him. I know that your President is a warrior. I like that about him. We’re in a battle, folks. We are in a battle.”
“And so, I am going to end with this passage of scripture. Psalms 7, verses 6 through 11 [Walberg only read verses 6 through 10, taken from New American Standard Bible, 1995 translation]. The psalm it says, ‘Arise, O Lord -’ – Catch this, ‘Arise, O Lord, in Your anger; Lift up Yourself against the rage of my adversaries, And arouse Yourself for me; You have appointed judgment. Let the assembly of the peoples encompass You, And over them return on high. The Lord judges the peoples; Vindicate me, O Lord, according to my righteousness and my integrity that is in me. O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous; For the righteous God tries the hearts and minds. My shield is with God, Who saves the upright in heart.’ – That’s my prayer for all of us today. We’ve heard prayers. We’ve had songs. We’ve heard sermons, but our prayer must go from here and say, God, we want the righteousness of you to dwell on us. And that means, we say, ‘No’ to what you condemn, and we say, ‘Yes’ to what’s righteous. It’ll be a challenge. With God’s strength, I’m up to it. With God’s strength, you all can be up to it, as well.
“And this great land of Uganda – And I say that not pandering to you. I love Uganda. More than anything, I love its people. They bring me joy when I’m here, and some good food. But God will bless the righteous [Walberg shut eyes very tightly]. Father, I pray for these people, that they will be people of righteousness! They will support their leaders with righteousness! In giving strength to their leaders to exemplify righteousness to the world as well. And then you Lord, fight the battle for them! It’s in the name of Jesus, my savior, I pray, amen [applause from crowd, Walberg sat back down].
Event Chair, David Bahati: “Thank you! Thank you, so much. That’s a message from America, and from God. Thank you so much, Tim. Thank you.
[End of Speech]
3 – ANALYSIS – “That’s a message from America, and from God.” |
For Americans unfamiliar with Tim Walberg’s deeper sentiments, one of the first jarring themes of that speech was how every mention of The United States was negative and every mention of Uganda was effusively praising, as outlined in the following table:
Walberg on The United States of America 🇺🇸☹️👎 | Walberg on Uganda 🇺🇬😃👍 |
“I come to you right now from Congress that doesn’t have a Speaker [smirks].” | “I love Uganda. And over almost the 20 years I’ve been coming to Uganda, I’ve traveled on Lake Victoria.” |
“The worthless – for instance, is the thought of The World Bank, or The World Health Organization, or The United Nations, or sadly, some in our administration in America who say you are wrong for standing for values that God created.” | “Your esteemed President, his excellency, President Museveni needs a nation that stands with him and says, though the rest of the world is pushing back on you, though there are other major countries that are trying to get into you and ultimately change you, stand firm. Stand firm.” |
“sadly in The United States where 62 innocent – innocent babies – 62 million innocent babies, at least, have been aborted. And now we’re encouraging more of that in The United States of America. Almost half the States in the union right now have abortion on demand, and almost to the day of delivery. And it’s being called health care.” | “he [Museveni] knows that he has a people, and he has a clergy, and he has members of the civil society, and he has members around the world, even Congressmen like me, who will say: We stand with you.” |
“That’s what the administration in The United States is saying to you. That’s what The World Health Organization is saying to you. Don’t turn to them.” | “But in this nation, as I’ve talked with his excellency, President Museveni, he said we want this nation to be open to all. As a nation that has been based upon Christian principles, we ask you not to change us” |
“Whose side do we want to be on? God’s side. Not the World Bank, not the United States of America necessarily, not the UN. God’s side.” | “I know that your President [Museveni] is a warrior. I like that about him. We’re in a battle, folks.” |
“this will probably get back to the national media in The United States, and I expect some pushback, but I’m not gonna give in to them.” | “And this great land of Uganda – And I say that not pandering to you. I love Uganda. More than anything, I love its people.” |
Walberg’s anti-American declarations were not new for him when speaking to high-ranking Ugandan government officials. Those were reflected in Walberg’s 2015 meeting with the Ugandan Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, as he said, “I apologize on behalf of the people of the United States for the pressure on African countries to adopt the Maputo Protocol on Family Planning.” That protocol was developed by the continental union of 55 African nations, as a basic standard of human rights. It included minimal abortion rights for people subjected to violence or risks to their health or life due to pregnancy (attached image).
2015 Walberg apologized for “the people of the United States” for promoting human rights
The basis for Walberg’s anti-American sentiment was less specific in his speech on Sunday than it was in 2015. While he mentioned the USA, UN, and World Bank all pressuring Uganda to change something, he avoided ever specifying what caused that pressure. It was, “The Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023”. That is the actual title of the law signed by Yoweri Museveni in a brazen assault against human rights (exhibit below).
These are actual pages from the law
Every time Walberg told the Ugandan Officials to “stand firm”, and “We stand with you” against the pushback from the rest of the world – he was referring to that law. So, as a legislator, if Walberg really stands with the values of Uganda, why doesn’t he introduce an identical “Kill the Gays” bill in the United States? Walberg spent the whole speech claiming to have courage to obey God’s values, “we say, ‘No’ to what you condemn, and we say, ‘Yes’ to what’s righteous. It’ll be a challenge. With God’s strength, I’m up to it.” Walberg also tried to preemptively make himself look tough against presumed future media attention, “I expect some pushback, but I’m not gonna give in to them.” So, if Walberg was so confident in those convictions, then why won’t he simply post the video or transcript of that speech anywhere, or even mention the mere fact that he spent all last weekend in Uganda?
Walberg Prioritizes Religious Activity Above Job Responsibilities in Government ⛪️ > 🇺🇸 |
“we’re, first: Christ-followers; and second: politicians, government officials, doctors, lawyers, parliamentarians, members of congress” |
“being both a former pastor, before God called me to the mission field in government back in 1982. And I’ve had a wonderful ministry in government in all those years. Cause I don’t see it first and foremost as a Member of Congress, I see it as a missionary of the lord Jesus Christ.” |
“our foundational principles that our framers and founders established The United States of America on were timeless. Why? Because they were based on scripture” |
“But we – we who are in government – and again, after marriage, the family, came government. The church came later on, and it was sure needed. But we in government need to return to repent.” |
Walberg Contradicts His Own Stance on War in the Span of Minutes 🪖🔫😢🚫 ⬅🤷➡️ 👍😃🪖🔫 | |
“We are image-bearers of God himself! Why would we destroy?! I can say that about war! I can say that about genocide!” | “I know that your President is a warrior. I like that about him. We’re in a battle, folks.” |
“Why would we destroy?! I can say that about war! I can say that about genocide!” – Shame Walberg’s moral convictions fall short of saying that about Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” law.
Walberg Does Not Understand “things that develop” 🌱➡️⏳➡️🌳 | |
“Those things that develop a nation” | “Those things that are timeless.” |
“Those things that develop a family.” | “Those things that never change.” |
“Those things that develop an individual.” | “Those things that are eternal.” |
“our foundational principles that our framers and founders established” *See Amendments 1 through 27 (1791-1992) |
3:24:45 mark
“Last August, I bungee jumped in Entebbe over the Nile River. The last que – the last - In Jinja. Not Entebbe. In Jinja – That’s why I need my wife of 49 years.”
Walberg was standing at the State House in Entebbe, 55 miles southwest of his brag
This blunder isn’t a big deal, but it’s funny that Walberg was standing there trying to brag about bungee jumping as though it’s a praiseworthy political accomplishment. He included a lot of specific detail in his story while standing in the Seat of Government in Entebbe. He asserted that Entebbe, where he was standing was over the Nile River, when in fact the location of his brag was 55 Miles away. Lately, Walberg has been trying to gain political leverage out of Joe Biden making harmless verbal blunders, so it is fair game to point out how Walberg frequently makes the same blunders. We all do. I am aware this is the least meaningful point of this report.
“I Saw the Light” – SO VERY LIGHT |
3:25:50 mark
“we sang a Hank Williams song, ‘I Saw the Light’. I played guitar with four other guitarists. And I think – at least I thought we were wonderful. We’ve never been asked to sing again.”
Event from February 6, 2020 – 3 of those 5 guitar-playing lawmakers are retired now
I agree that image is the stuff of nightmares, five aging male lawmakers including Louie Gohmert beaming satisfied expressions, singing, and playing guitars behind the caption: “COMING UP: PRESIDENT TRUMP SPEAKS AT NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST”. I was raised by parents who steeped me in their favorite music from the 1960’s American Folk Music craze, so the music itself didn’t bother me at all. Walberg was aware of the cringe-affect his music had on people, but I can’t criticize the sound of it. I will criticize the larger context of simply never wanting to see sitting lawmakers doing stage acts like that. It smacked too closely of the title character from the movie Bob Roberts (1992) by Tim Robbins, a satire about a right-wing demagogue Senator who toured around performing white nationalist folk-style music on the guitar, with song titles such as, “Times Are Changin’ Back”.
3:25:50 mark
“Boom! Against the tree - Dust – Splinters – Leo comes to the ground, shaken. And I want you to catch this: Leo got up... That’s what it means to not give into them. Regardless of what they think, move on.”
It is so self-incriminating that Walberg thought the Lion was the hero in that “Leo the Lion” story. It was also audacious for Walberg to stand there comparing the Lion to the Parliamentarians and to Museveni, because the Lion character was so obviously a pathetic and insecure tyrant. The other animals affirmed the Lion’s status as King out of fear and pressure, not because they believed it or wanted it. The elephant was the hero, because it could both live in peace with all the other animals and did not fear the lion or even acknowledge the lion’s requests for affirmation. The elephant demonstrated its capability to defeat and thoroughly shame the Lion. The story ended with the Lion limping away while utterly self-delusional. How absurd that Walberg thought the moral takeaway was that it was good for the Lion to get back up and not change anything after being defeated. If anything, it explains why Walberg is incapable of functioning in a Democratic system of government.
WALBERG, THE “TERFURRY” (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Furry) |
3:21:20 mark
“if I could decide what I want to be, what gender, whatever it is, I’d be a yellow Labrador Retriever. I love that dog. And for a day, I’d love everybody to love me. So, I’m a Yellow Labrador Retriever.”
Is Walberg aware of the distinction between gender and species?
There are large animal roleplay communities who would be happy to strip Walberg naked to a collar and a leash, toss him treats on the floor, and thoroughly indulge all his desires to be loved as a dog. So, why would he deny others in their pursuits of love, happiness, self-actualization, or simply to exist? This was not Walberg’s first time using a dog analogy to try to justify his oppressive anti-LGBTQ bigotry (exhibit below).
2004 Walberg called gay people’s existence, “a sin” and based his bigotry on a dog analogy
While Walberg’s hatred of homosexuality has become more masked since 2004, his hatred of the trans community is still wide in the open. For three months this year, Walberg ran two government-funded attack ads targeting trans athletes on Facebook. Notably, both stock photos in those ads were not from the US. Walberg utilized the work of photographers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and from Russia (exhibits below). So, one current consistency in Walberg’s hatred towards LGBTQ citizens is his reliance upon workers abroad.
Walberg spent government funds to attack trans athletes with this ad for 3 months
Walberg spent government funds to attack trans athletes with this other ad for 3 months
September 2010 – Harper’s Magazine Article by Jeff Sharlet, “Straight Man’s Burden: The American roots of Uganda’s anti-gay persecutions” -
November 2010 – Harper’s Magazine Letters, “Bob Hunter and Jeff Sharlet: An Exchange” (Bob Hunter of The Fellowship Foundation, discusses the organization’s involvement in Uganda’s Anti-Homosexual legislation) -
February 1, 2011 – Huffpost Article: “Uganda Hangs Over National Prayer Breakfast Once Again” -
December 13, 2012 – Vice Article: “I Spoke to the Author of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill” (interview with David Bahati) -
December 20, 2013 – NPR Article, “Uganda Passes Anti-Gay Bill That Includes Life In Prison” – this article features David Bahati as the author behind this earlier anti-LGBT legislation -
February 14, 2014 – Full Text of “Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014”, introduced by David Bahati, and Signed into Law (Months Later overturned by courts in Uganda) -
September 9, 2015 – Post by Speaker of the Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga about meeting Walberg, where he said, “I apologize on behalf of the people of the United States for the pressure on African countries to adopt the Maputo Protocol on Family Planning. The majority of the Members of the Congress stand for life and support the reality that it is God who gives life,” -
February 6, 2020 – NBC News Livestream US National Prayer Breakfast, of Walberg Singing a Hank Williams Song (0:05:15 mark):
February 27, 2020 – Earlier version of “Leo the Lion” story in a longer verse form:
2021 - Quora Answer from Ed McManus, featuring an earlier version of the “Leo the Lion” story:
February 14, 2023 – Reuters: “Uganda move to close UN rights office angers opposition” -
March 22, 2023 – Freedom From Religion Article: “FFRF’s Mark on the Hill: How we won on the National Prayer Breakfast” -
April 6, 2023 – TYT article: “'The Family' Tied -- Again -- to Anti-LGBTQ+ Death Penalty Bill”:
May 26, 2023 – Full Text of “The Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023” signed into law by Yoweri Museveni -
May 29, 2023 – White House Official Statement: “Statement from President Joe Biden on the Enactment of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act” -
May 31, 2023 – “World Bank Group Statement on Uganda 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act” -
June 14, 2023 – Open Democracy, Opinion Article: “If Biden’s appalled by Ugandan anti-gay law, he should look closer to home” -
June 16, 2023 – U.S. Department of State, Press Release: “Visa Restrictions for Undermining the Democratic Process in Uganda” -
July 1, 2023 – September 28, 2023 – For 3 Months Walberg Ran Two Government-Funded Ads on Facebook to Spread Hate Towards Trans Athletes -
July 26, 2023 – United Nations, Press Release – “UN Human Rights Committee publishes findings on Brazil, Burundi, Colombia, Cyprus, Lesotho, State of Palestine and Uganda” -
August 4, 2023 – United Nations – UN News Article – “Uganda: UN human rights office to close on Saturday” -
August 8, 2023 – “World Bank Group Statement on Uganda” -
August 29, 2023 – BBC News Article: “Uganda's anti-LGBT laws: Man faces death penalty for 'aggravated homosexuality'” -
October 3, 2023 – Parliament of the Republic of Uganda Press Release: “National Prayer Breakfast to take place at State House, Entebbe” -
October 4, 2023 – The Independent, article: “MPs divided over prayer breakfast at State House”:
October 6, 2023 (morning) – Radio Call in to The Steve Gruber Show – Gruber: “I found Congressman Tim Walberg. I guess he was just – uh, fed up with Washington for a day or two. He decided, you know what, I’m just gonna get outta town for a couple days. He – uh, just had a bad phone line. Now, Congressman, good to have you back.” – Later, Gruber: “I understand you need a little bit of – uh, fresh air out of town.”
October 8, 2023 – Live Video of Uganda Prayer Breakfast - Broadcast, UBC Television Uganda:
October 8, 2023 – Official Press Release by President Yoweri Museveni about the Prayer Breakfast -
October 8, 2023 – Photo by Mama Rachel Ruto, First Lady Kenya:
October 8, 2023 – Photo by National Resistance Movement – NRM (Party led by President, Yoweri Museveni):
October 9, 2023 – New Vision, Photos and Article: “Museveni urges unity at National Prayer Breakfast”:
October 14, 2023 – Walberg’s Weekly Government Newsletter had no mention of his trip to Uganda -
Solid and consummately documented reporting, Steven.