Saturday, October 24, 2020

Video: Tim Walberg Agrees Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme

At the October 22, 2020 candidate forum hosted by the Lenawee County NAACP, Tim Walberg was challenged by Gretchen Driskell on his past statements about Social Security. Walberg flatly denied ever supporting privatizing Social Security or calling Social Security a Ponzi scheme. This video, and these sources below show that Walberg’s denials were lies.




June 25, 2010 - iCaucus Interview (10:30 mark):


September 10, 2010 - Schauer for Congress Ad:


February 14, 2012 - Heritage Foundation Bloggers Briefing (22:30 mark):


October 22, 2020 - Lenawee NAACP Candidate Forum:

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Video: Walberg Dismisses Pandemic Fatalities


On September 25, 2020 U.S. Congress member, Tim Walberg (MI-07) called into WKHM - Jackson's NewsTalk radio, and spoke to host, Greg O'Connor about the ongoing pandemic. Walberg dismissed the over 200,000 fatalities, and the fact that it would continue to increase. Walberg stoked doubt in the advice of medical doctors and epidemiologists, and tried to stoke doubt in the efficacy of masks for safety.

Link to audio source (Walberg says other awful, irresponsible things in that same interview):